Welcome to Shoufie Pages

M. Shoufie Ukhtary's personal webpage.

Welcome to Shoufie Pages

Saya Muhammad Shoufie Ukhtary. Saya berasal dari kota Malang, Indonesia. Saya adalah seorang peneliti fisika dalam bidang fisika material teoritis. Topik riset saya adalah mengenai properties optis dan topologi dari material dua dimensi. Saya bekerja sebagai peneliti di Pusat penelitian fisika LIPI.

I am Muhammad Shoufie Ukhtary, but you can call me Shoufie. I come from Malang, East Java, Indonesia. I am a physicist focusing in theoretical condensed matter physics. I work as researcher at the Research Center of Physics (LIPI). My research interests are mainly on optical properties of novel materials, such as two-dimensional materials, dielectric metamaterials, and topological materials. In the past, I finished my undergraduate study at Brawijaya University in Indonesia and I got my Phd at Tohoku University, Japan.

Publication list

Halaman ini: Publication list berisi daftar paper yang sudah saya tulis dan dipublikasi. Berikut beberapa paper utama saya.

This page contains my publication list. Below, I give some of my main publications.

  1. Fermi energy-dependence of electromagnetic wave absorption in graphene, M. S. Ukhtary, E. H. Hasdeo, A. R. T. Nugraha, R. Saito, Appl. Phys. Express 8, 055102 (2015).
  2. Hidden symmetries in N-layer dielectric stacks, H. Liu, M. S. Ukhtary, R. Saito, J. Phys. Condens. Matter , 29, 455303 (2017).
  3. Significant enhancement of light absorption in undoped graphene using dielectric multilayer system , S. A. Nulli, M. S. Ukhtary, R. Saito, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 073101 (2018).
  4. Planar rotation of electric field induced by edge-plasmon in a graphene nanoribbon , M. S. Ukhtary, M. Maruoka, R. Saito, Phys. Rev. B, 100, 155432-1-10 (2019).
  5. Surface plasmon in graphene and carbon nanotubes, M. S. Ukhtary and R. Saito, Carbon, 167, 455-474 (2020).
  6. Spin current generation by edge plasmons in graphene ribbons, M. S. Ukhtary, Y. Tian, R. Saito, Phys. Rev. B, 103, 245428 (2021).

Cerita Riset

Pada Halaman ini: Cerita Riset, saya bercerita mengenai paper yang telah saya publikasikan.


In this page: Tutorial, I give some tutorials on physics.

Pada Halaman ini: Tutorial, saya memberikan beberapa tutorial seperti tutorial penggunaan Python, diskusi penurunan suatu formula dan lain-lain.

Short Profile & CV

Please visit this page: Profile for my short profile and CV

Silahkan kunjungi halaman ini: Profile untuk data diri dan CV saya.


Berikut adalah kontak saya:

You can contact me using this email:
muhamadukhtary(at)gmail(dot)com or msho001(at)lipi.go.id